acoustician|acousticians in English


one who is skilled in the study of sound

Use "acoustician|acousticians" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "acoustician|acousticians" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "acoustician|acousticians", or refer to the context using the word "acoustician|acousticians" in the English Dictionary.

1. Now, dolphins are natural acousticians.

2. Aasen, abysm, academician, acoustician, addition, admission, admonition, Aglisten, ambition, ammunition, antichristian

3. The python-Acoustics module is a Python module with useful tools for acousticians.

4. Harald Jers is conductor of choirs and orchestras, solo singer and acoustician.

5. A scientist who works in the field of Acoustics is an Acoustician

6. A scientist who works in the field of Acoustics is an acoustician

7. Acousticians, in studying the radiation of sound sources have developed some concepts important to understanding how loudspeakers are perceived.

8. No software has however so far been in a position to replace a qualified and experienced acoustician.

9. Now that education you would receive, and thanks to the British acoustician Adrian James for those simulations.

10. But it's meant that acousticians have had to really think about the types of halls they put together.

11. Biologists, acousticians and statisticians worked together to gauge the consequences of a reduction in whale prey due to human-generated noise.

12. And so therefore, acousticians are actually in conversation with people who are hearing impaired, and who are participators of sound.

13. On the other hand, together with ENT specialists and hearing aid acousticians all of the frequencies that mask tinnitus noises were evaluated.

14. And after the Berlin Wall fell, the Navy made these systems available to whale bio- acousticians to see what they could hear.

15. And after the Berlin Wall fell, the Navy made these systems available to whale bio-acousticians to see what they could hear.

16. The data gathered by the acoustician is then processed during real-time sound adjustment in a computerised unit known as a professional equaliser.

17. Based on our model predictions, a series of TS to length equations were developed for each species at the common frequencies used by fisheries acousticians.

18. As acoustician and music educator, he his influence was recognized among scientific figures of his time such as Max Planck and Hermann von Helmholtz.

19. Compliance may possibly be improved by structured follow-up, which should involve the prescribing otorhinolaryngologists, as well as phoniatrists, pedaudiologists, and hearing aid acousticians.

20. The French Society of Acoustics ( SFA), has the purpose of grouping together the French-speaking acousticians and promoting the acoustics by any kind of action.

21. " The methods proposed by some acousticians of renown, based on their measurements and according to their expert knowledge, did not lead to any satisfactory results.

22. The acoustician in the competition gave us criteria, which led to this compartmentalized scheme, which we found out after the competition would not work at all.

23. Sabine was architectural acoustician of Boston's Symphony Hall, widely considered one of the two or three best concert halls in the world for its acoustics.

24. The Statement was developed following a peer review process involving scientific and technical experts, acousticians, and experts in the design and effectiveness of mitigative measures.

25. I just moderated a major conference in London a few weeks ago called Sound Education, which brought together top acousticians, government people, teachers, and so forth.